Artwork for The Chronicles in History
In this podcast we will explore all the major periods in history. Starting with the Mordern Era and working backwards. Exploring the people, events and the historical implications. We will also examine the different historical views of top historians. Making sure to understand the major different perspectives history offers. This is the most interesting aspect of historical studies. In our first period we will study the French Revolution, The Napoleonic Wars, The American Civil War, WWI ,WWII, The Cold War and more. So buckle up and in joy The Chronicles in History.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

The Chronicles in History

In this podcast we will explore all the major periods in history. Starting with the Mordern Era and working backwards. Exploring the people, events and the historical implications. We will also examine the different historical views of top historians. Making sure to understand the major different perspectives history offers. This is the most interesting aspect of historical studies. In our first period we will study the French Revolution, The Napoleonic Wars, The American Civil War, WWI ,WWII, The Cold War and more. So buckle up and in joy The Chronicles in History.
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo